
Code with Toofan Developer

Essential Code Snippet For Web Developers

This is not a good idea to write all code from scratch & it makes the development time longer. That is why I put all my most valuable and complex code here so I can reuse it and at the same time other developers can.


How to copy a link on a clipboard WordPress?

How to share URL and copy to clipboard with URL change This is my wordpress post code for share and copy to clipboard. Java Script Code Bootstrap Modal With Copy Wp Post share link

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Ban Email Addresses Or Domains Name in Fluent Forms Form Submission

Ban Email Domains (Ban Particular Domains) in Fluent Forms Form Submission This snippet will for your email fields where it will ban certain domains. Please check both available snippet and use which is applicable for you. Don’t forget to change the values where it mentioned OR Thank You.

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Create a new WordPress Administrator User via functions.php & FTP Code

Can not delete User/admin/manager Change your Need information like Usernme, Password, name@domain.com . Thanks You.

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Elementor Loop Grid Order By ACF Date Field

Create And Apply Loop Grid Template Begin by designing your loop grid template within your Elementor page, and apply the loop grid widget to the page. The loop grid widget is a very powerful and easy to use widget but Elementor Pro is required to use this feature. Add Query ID To Loop Grid Finally, return back […]

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Change Jquery tab on next Prev button click

change active tab on button click javascript Change tab on button click javascript Change tab on button click jquery Change tab on button click stack overflow HTML Code JQuery Code show next Prev tab on button click

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Add Post type to search results filtering by ACF meta value

search and filter pro tutorial,search and filter pro wordpress,custom post types,search & filter plugin,search & filter pro wordpress plugin,search & filter pro wordpress,search & filter pro,search and filter pro,search,search results,wordpress search query custom post type,search and filtering for beaver themer,search & filter plugin wordpress,search custom post types in oxygen,posts grid with search and filter,meta_query to […]

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How to Create a Dropdown Box to Sorting Posts in WordPress

With Search by Category:custom-sort-form.php Without Search by Category: custom-sort-form.php

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Advanced Custom Fields All Need Code Snippet

Advance custom field Link Field, Flexible content Field, Gallery and all need code snippet

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Elementor Open Specific Tab, Toggle or Accordion on Link click

In this tutorial you will learn how to link to a specific Elementor accordion, tab or toggle, directly from the URL. I have now updated this tutorial so that it works for same page links: click a link or a button that links directly to an Elementor accordion, tabs or toggle, and it will: Works […]

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Disable WooCommerce Payment Gateway for Specific Country WordPress

To disable a payment gateway for a specific country in WooCommerce, you will first need to identify the gateway’s slug. Once you have done this, you can use a simple code snippet to achieve your objective. There may be times when you need to disable a payment gateway for a specific country in WooCommerce. For […]

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JQuery Set Cookies Popup Setup One Day

Browser cookies popup accept, store cookies in browser with jQuery Cookies Html Markup code Thanks You.

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JQuery Set Cookies Popup Setup One Day

Browser cookies popup accept, store cookies in browser with jQuery Cookies Html Markup code Thanks You.

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How to copy a link on a clipboard WordPress?

How to share URL and copy to clipboard with URL change This is my wordpress post code for share and copy to clipboard. Java Script Code Bootstrap Modal With Copy Wp Post share link

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How to Create a Dropdown Box to Sorting Posts in WordPress

With Search by Category:custom-sort-form.php Without Search by Category: custom-sort-form.php

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Disable WooCommerce Payment Gateway for Specific Country WordPress

To disable a payment gateway for a specific country in WooCommerce, you will first need to identify the gateway’s slug. Once you have done this, you can use a simple code snippet to achieve your objective. There may be times when you need to disable a payment gateway for a specific country in WooCommerce. For […]

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Advanced Custom Fields All Need Code Snippet

Advance custom field Link Field, Flexible content Field, Gallery and all need code snippet

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Add Post type to search results filtering by ACF meta value

search and filter pro tutorial,search and filter pro wordpress,custom post types,search & filter plugin,search & filter pro wordpress plugin,search & filter pro wordpress,search & filter pro,search and filter pro,search,search results,wordpress search query custom post type,search and filtering for beaver themer,search & filter plugin wordpress,search custom post types in oxygen,posts grid with search and filter,meta_query to […]

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Ban Email Addresses Or Domains Name in Fluent Forms Form Submission

Ban Email Domains (Ban Particular Domains) in Fluent Forms Form Submission This snippet will for your email fields where it will ban certain domains. Please check both available snippet and use which is applicable for you. Don’t forget to change the values where it mentioned OR Thank You.

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Create a new WordPress Administrator User via functions.php & FTP Code

Can not delete User/admin/manager Change your Need information like Usernme, Password, name@domain.com . Thanks You.

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Change Jquery tab on next Prev button click

change active tab on button click javascript Change tab on button click javascript Change tab on button click jquery Change tab on button click stack overflow HTML Code JQuery Code show next Prev tab on button click

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Elementor Open Specific Tab, Toggle or Accordion on Link click

In this tutorial you will learn how to link to a specific Elementor accordion, tab or toggle, directly from the URL. I have now updated this tutorial so that it works for same page links: click a link or a button that links directly to an Elementor accordion, tabs or toggle, and it will: Works […]

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Elementor Loop Grid Order By ACF Date Field

Create And Apply Loop Grid Template Begin by designing your loop grid template within your Elementor page, and apply the loop grid widget to the page. The loop grid widget is a very powerful and easy to use widget but Elementor Pro is required to use this feature. Add Query ID To Loop Grid Finally, return back […]

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